Communion Server

Contacts:  Bri Andrews ([email protected])

Communion is served every Sunday at New Covenant Lutheran Church.  We serve Communion by intinction which is the dipping of the wafer or bread into the wine or juice and then consuming both elements together.  All are welcome to partake.

If you are interested in serving communion, click the button below to sign up or contact the church office.

What a Communion Server Does

Four (4) servers are required for the 10:30 a.m. service.

The Communion Servers need to arrive about 15 minutes prior to the 10:30 a.m. service to set up the communion tray with wafers, wine & juice.  After the communion tray is set up, it is put on the altar in the sanctuary.   If it is your first time serving communion, you will be shown how to set up the communion tray prior to your Sunday to serve.

In addition to the communion tray at the altar, pre-filled communion cups are set out on a tray and placed on the table at the entry to the sanctuary near the ushers. The ushers will assist with passing out the cups as needed.

During the service after the Lord’s Prayer, the servers will go to the front of the sanctuary and line up behind the Worship Band participants to take communion before members in the congregation.  After receiving communion, each server will place a medallion around their neck and either take the wine/juice or wafers and stand on the side of the sanctuary they will be serving.  When serving the wafer, say the following to each communicant — “The body of Christ, given for you.”  When serving the wine/juice, say the following to each communicant – “The blood of Christ, shed for you.”  For those members in the congregation that can not come to the altar for communion, you will take the communion to them. 

When the servers have finished with communion, put the wafers and wine/juice back in the tray and cover with the white cloth.

After the 10:30 a.m. service, two servers will be responsible for clean-up.  If it is your first time serving communion, you will be shown how to clean-up after communion prior to your Sunday to serve.